Quotation of the Day

I am in final preparation for “The Query”.  I have written what I feel is a stellar letter soliciting the kindness of an agent and their willingness to ask for more pages of the same stellar words. 

I have groomed, cut and added.  I have changed whole passages and pages at the suggestion of a few readers whose advice I trust: an editor friend of mine from a large publisher of non-fiction; a retired agent; a best-selling author; a friend who is a voracious reader of fiction.  I have written, rewritten and written, again.

Complete Manuscript by sophiebiblio

I like the manuscript.  In fact, I love the story and am excited about the possibilities.  That’s why I write.  Because I love good stories and I am addicted to the excitement a new idea brings to the way I view life.

Yet, as I finish the eleventh draft of my second novel and read it through the umpteenth time, word-for-word, until my eyes no longer focus on any single letter of the twenty-six letter alphabet, Alphabet 06 by Leo Reynoldsone daunting quotation bounces between my ears:

“There are three rules for writing the novel.  Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.”

William Somerset Maugham by Siegfried Woldhek–Somerset Maugham

Stay tuned.

~ by rfgainey on March 2, 2009.

2 Responses to “Quotation of the Day”

  1. Just passing by.Btw, you website have great content!

    Don’t pay for your electricity any longer…
    Instead, the power company will pay YOU!

  2. good luck, mom!

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